Medjugorje Mir - Medjugorje Pilgrim Services


Home Up 1. The Agony of Jesus 2. The scourging of Jesus 3. The Crowning with Thorns 4. The Carrying of the Cross 5. The crucifixion and death of Jesus


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1st - The Agony in the Garden

  1. Be with Jesus in the garden. Kneel beside Him and feel the pain in His Heart.
  2. How tenderly He loves us, that God came to this earth and gave Himself for love of us.
  3. Jesus is a Person. He loves each one of us with a most personal love.
  4. He is a Divine Person. He loves us more than any human person could love us.
  5. Jesus saw before Him all His suffering.
  6. He knew the sins of all men from all time.
  7. Because of His great love for us and for all men His Heart was in such pain.
  8. He knows and loves us more than we know and love ourselves.
  9. He is alive this day and He lives in our hearts.
  10. He wants us to love Him at every moment and He is forgotten and ignored and He is God.


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Last modified:  06/10/11